Do this for me and I’ll give you your money back…
Did you buy my DobberHockey Fantasy Guide this year? The Keeper League Pack? The Ultimate Fantasy Pack? If you bought any of those items/packages, I want to refund your money. No, I haven’t gone crazy.
Here is how I’ll do it. Take a look and see if you qualify:
1. Visit Draft Kings via this link
2. Deposit $10.
3. Email me here to tell me you did this and would like a refund.
4. Draft Kings emails me a list with your email on it, and I refund your Guide or Pack.
Pretty simple, eh? And what you do with the $10 over there is up to you – play some daily fantasy games, or don’t. But if you do this for me, I’ll refund the Guide or Pack that you bought – and I’ll stick a Midseason Guide and Playoff Draft List into your account. It will be there waiting for you when I release it.
To qualify:
1. You can’t already have an account with Draft Kings
2. You have to be a resident of Canada or USA – but unfortunately, Quebec residents can’t (Quebec law)
Also – if your email address with DobberHockey is different from Draft Kings, then note that in your email to me. Makes it easier for me to find the account I need to refund! It would also save me time if you told me you paid via paypal or via credit card. Thanks!