The Fantasy Hockey Top 100 Roto players, featuring Alex Grant and Julien Brouillette
Welcome to the Top 100 Roto, a ranking of the Top 100 per-game rotisserie contributors in one-year leagues. What this list brings to the table is a clear indication of not only per-game value, but where that value comes from. Is Zetterberg’s production balanced or is he going to drag down one of your categories? Both types of tiers are useful. The coloured tiers show which players are similar in value overall value. The category scores should make most of this list applicable to everyone by letting you pick and choose what is applicable to your team. The overall score is basically a fancy average of all of the included categories.
If anyone has any candidates for most dominant multi-cat player ever, send me a tweet @austeane. Also tweet/email( guessed it, austeane) me if you would like to see anything else from this list. Comments and criticism are welcome!
Some final notes on the assembly of the Top 100 Roto:
This list was assembled from a weighted average of the last three years, and players were ranked by how well they did in each (equally weighted) category compared to the other top fantasy players. It best applies to leagues with 250 fantasy relevant players, no positional requirements and equally weighted categories. It is easy to get the score that is relevant to your league though, just average out the categories you are interested in!
Other than the removal of Brouillette and Grant, this is a purely stats-based list. I don’t make any changes to what comes out of the formula; I trust that you can apply the numbers to your own intricate and unique situation better than I can. For example, since this is a per-game list you will have to account for band-aid boys yourself. Again, this is due to the differences in leagues. Injuries matter much more in a league with a highly limited number of transactions and no injured reserve than they do than in a salary-cap league with many injury slots and unlimited transactions.