Here is Dobber's annual printable box pool setup for you and your friends.
The 15th annual DobberHockey Interactive Playoff Draft List is now available for download. I'll be updating it five or six times before the playoffs start, keeping the player notes – and there are lots of notes – current. You can run multiple scenarios and sort in multiple ways. I generally run two scenarios and head into the draft with both. Then I run with whichever list I get a jump on the top players early and by the third round I discard the other list. Besides running your own scenario, I also include my own picks. You can pick up the (winning) Draft List – here!
(Hey, do you like the NHL’s Free Bracket Challenge? Join the DobberHockey League here!)
Every year when I finish analyzing and putting together my Playoff Draft List (again – buy it here), I sort and move around similar players until I have 28 boxes. Six players per box. Printable on one page. So this is simple. You are at work or with your friends. You want to do a hockey pool but everyone around you are just casual fans. Solution? Box pool. Throw in ten bucks each or whatever. Print off my free page. Everyone ticks off a box and puts their name on it – hands it in. Tally the points at the end of the postseason and you have your winner. I did all the work for you.
It’s time to start getting pumped up for the far-too-long delayed start of the NHL playoffs. Get your friends and colleagues involved by firing them this template and picking their players now!
Download the free box pool sheet here: PlayoffBoxes2021-TwoOptions