A Statement from Darryl Dobbs (Dobber) Regarding His Health
Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t been around much over the last few weeks. The reason is I’ve been diagnosed with a rare bone marrow cancer called Myelodysplastic Syndrome, or MDS. It is in a high risk, aggressive stage and I will need to undergo a stem cell bone marrow transplant.
Beginning next week, I will undergo chemo treatments. This is to prepare my body for the risky procedure. In medical-ese, my “blast count” is at 15% and chemo is needed to hopefully push this number below 10%. Otherwise, the procedure won’t work.
This is obviously a serious disease, but I draw inspiration from Robin Roberts. She is formerly of ESPN and a current host of Good Morning America, who was diagnosed with the same thing back in 2012. And after her own transplant, she is back and doing great five years later.
I am ready for this fight. And I will fight harder than anyone has ever fought, because I have two kids who need their father and there is no way I let some piece of shit cancer take that from them. You know me – I don’t lay down. And the stakes don’t get any higher. You think I go hard after a fantasy hockey win? You ain’t seen nothing!
What will happen with the site?
The site is in good hands. You know this. Over the course of 12 years I have put together an amazing team. The content continues to roll in. And the team of Ramblings writers – Ian Gooding, Mike Clifford, Neil Parker and Steve Laidlaw – have really been bringing it. Peter Harling has been dynamite running DobberProspects, while Mario Prata, Eric Daoust, Michael Hiridjee and my programmer Riasat have been a great support behind the scenes.
I’ll be stepping back from Ramblings for a couple of months. All of my time, when the kids aren’t around, will be spent putting together the Fantasy Guide. And the rankings will continue to go up, though they may be late at times. The Fantasy Prospects Report is already out. I have an early jump on things doing the prep work and as long as that is done – I can do the projections after July 4th (when teams are more finalized). At any point after that, I can pass it off to Mario who, as a co-founder of the Forecaster Magazine, he has plenty of experience putting guides together. Or perhaps I’ll be healthy enough to keep going until it’s done! Either way, you can count on it. And it will have my projections.
I have removed the Ultimate Fantasy Pack from the shop for this year. This is because I don’t want to guarantee a Midseason Guide. I’ll probably still have one, even if it’s delegating the work. But I don’t want to have it guaranteed, so I won’t be selling an Ultimate Pack this year. To those few who bought the UFP quickly before I removed it: if, in December, I decide that a Midseason Guide isn’t feasible, I will refund the difference and change your purchase to a Keeper League Pack.
Regarding Fantasy Hockey Geek – we will get this prepared for you over the next month, but just be patient. I do have your order.
What can you do?
Please keep positive thoughts for my family and I. Beyond that, I will be okay. Continue to support the site. Keep it strong for me while I’m away (you’ll see me in the forum from time to time, still). Buy the Guides, turn off ad-blocker (turn it on again if an ad annoys you!), join the forum community. That’s a great way to show support. Other than that, there’s not much you can do.
I have two sisters. If one of them is a bone marrow match, then it significantly increases my chances of success for a bone marrow transplant. Otherwise, I need to look to the World Bank for a match. If you ever wanted to become a donor, there is information on that here.
This is why I’m going to fight so hard – my wife, Hemwanti, and my kids Avery (8) and Mackenzie (6):
Thank you everyone. You are about to witness me winning the ultimate keeper league.
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Best wishes and prayers to you and your family Darryl. A cancer survivor myself i know how tough it is getting better but you can do this. Keep everything positive in your life. Pick a theme song to play when you are down as it will help ( as it helped me). For me it was I’m still standing by Elton john and every time you feel down play it to help you feel better. We are all pulling and praying for you.
Please all Dobberites and everyone donate or sign up to Donate in Dobbers name. It is a great cause and will save lives. I work for Canadian Blood Services so i know how much good it will do as i see it all the time. Prayers to Darryl and his family.
Thank you for this, Stan. And your tip on the pump up song is great
Dobber – you’re the man. Fight hard and don’t think about fantasy hockey, we will all be here when youre ready to come back. I’ll buy five guides this year even if there is no content.
You’ve got a lot of people behind you, don’t forget that!
Thank you man
Fight hard Dobber! We are all here for you.
Wishing you all the best, Dobber! You can do this.
Good luck Darryl. I have followed your site since the beginning and have had kids on (roughly) the same schedule so know intimately what you’re fighting for.
I first stumbled on this site just shy of nine years ago. I won my first of six championships the year I started reading. Your site is one of two I check almost every morning, so I kind of feel like I know you.
You, and your family will certainly be in my thoughts. I wish you all, and them, all the best. Please keep us updated.
You got this, man!
Everyone’s in your corner for this fight, and we all know you’ll win this one. Stay as strong as you can, as positive as you can, and get better as quick as you can. You’ve got this!
Best of luck to you! Will be sending out positive vibes to you and your family all summer! Am a father of two little girls myself; I know what you’re fighting for. Stay strong my friend!
Mr. Dobber, take good care of you, take all your time, and come back strong. I enjoy your hockey insights for 10-15 years. You are a true reference for hockey and keeper pools. Take good care of you and come back strong my friend.
Thanks for sharing your story. I wish you all the strength in the world. It will certainly not be easy but you’ve proven over the years to be a determined strong willed individual and I have no doubt you will prevail.
You got this!
You have a beautiful family. Stay strong, stay positive, and let the community know if there’s anything we can do to help/support. We are here for you, too.
That news is a real bummer… But I know you can do it, because whether you fight for your dreams or for your life, we have the proof right here that it’s possible. You won that fight 12 years ago to bring DobberHockey to life and I’m sure we’ll hear from you soon saying that you won this fight for YOUR life. Hang on there my friend and we’ll send you all the positive thoughts we can.
Despite terrible news, you hold your head up high and deliver a powerful message of bravery and strength. You sir are a champion and we are all supporting you 100%.
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Sending all the positive vibes possible!
Wishing you and your family all the best, Dobber.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
This is a fight you must win. I believe you will win. Although not geographically near you, you are surrounded by friends. You may get a deluge of “advice” but it’s all in the spirit of “us” wanting to help in some way. Fix bayonets bro, you’re going into battle. Love from Detroit.
Beautiful family Dobber, fight hard! and we will be reading your ramblings again in no time!
You have given so much of yourself so that we can enjoy a game that allows us to recapture that feeling that we had lost after many of us stopped playing, and for this I thank you. I also want to thank your wife, daughters and other family for the very valuable time that you have given up in the past to keep us informed and more knowledgeable in your area of expertise. Thank you for creating our online community… You should know that this community is also your family and that we will all be pulling for you, Stay strong brother!
I know your probably getting advice from all corners of the world right now but I have heard of people beating these things before. I have read a book and I am sure there are many called radical remission, it’s about people who have beaten serious cancer diagnosis. It’s really well written and inspirational. I am sure you can use all the positive vibes you can get right now! Your attitude seems to be in the right place, keep fighting and you will beat the POS that is Cancer!
Long time fan Dobb’s. Judging by your character i’ve witnessed over the years which you have exuded throughout this site, twitter, on the message boards, etc., i have no doubt you’ll beat this thing and come away successful. Keep your head up brother.
Kick it’s ass, Dobber! We’re all with you.
Bob Fishman, of the Bone Marrow Foundation is a friend…I am sure he would talk to you if you think he could be helpful…He has been through the process as well…. my email is danque2@yahoo if you want to contact me….thanks…Alan
Dobber, my prayers are with you. May you, your wife and your children have the strength that you need each day. (From a cancer survivor)
Best of luck Dobber.
Thoughts are with you and your family.
Thinking about you man! Get better!
Dobber. I’m extremely sad to read your article. I wish you all the best. I’m sending all my love to you and your family. Fight like Chris Nilan, be brave like Maurice Richard and be strong like Saku Koivu. Prends soin de toi mon ami. Richard
Sad news to get this morning. We’re all thinking of you Dobber and nothing is more important than health and family. We look forward to the positive updates!
Hey Dobber – tough news, and sadly too much of this lately. Wishing you and your family the very best. Know that you have friends and supporters all over the country pulling for you.
You’ve got lots of fans on your side, Dobber. Best of luck – you’re going to come out of this stronger and wiser
whoa!!! what tuff news. You have a great attitude Darryl you got this. Just look at that beautiful family supporting you.
Kick cancers ass! Prayers are with you and your family.
Best of luck to you! As a cancer survivor (CML) my best advice is to stay positive and of strong mind. Kick cancer’s ass!
Wishing you the best fighting this. We are with you.
You’ve got this Dobber.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
Hopeful for a complete and speedy recovery!
Kick cancer’s ass buddy!! All the best to you and your beautiful family. As for the ‘ultimate fantasy pack’, DO NOT refund a thing to me! If you need to, donate to a cancer society please. Man hugs…
Best wishes Dobber. You can beat it
Sending all the positive vibes! Already enjoying reading through the prospect guide and look forward to many more years of it! All the best!
Best of Luck Dobber!!! Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
Best wishes, Dobber. Looking forward to hearing of a complete recovery!
All the best Darryl. Show that damn cancer ” The Perth County Way”! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Keith and Cindy.
I had to take the day to reflect on your situation & life. I have no words to express how sorry I am to hear this news. All I have to say is beat this thing & live life to the fullest, you have a wonderful family & in these difficult times cherish them.
Thinking of you & your family.
Best wishes. You will beat this thing!
You were born Dobbs, and became Dobber. Now you gotta kick this MDS in the nuts and become… the Dobbest.
Dobber, it is with sadness that I read your post this morning. However cancer can be beaten. My wife is living proof (18 months now cancer free). You can do this for yourself and your awesome family. I can feel the love there from the photo. Stay positive, cherish your family and don’t get down. We are all pulling and praying for you and your family. In our thoughts and prayers. Grapes
I’ve read so many of your articles, it’s like I know you personally. My thoughts and prayers are with you…. Cancer can be beaten !!
Never quit Dobber…you have everyone behind you on this!!!
Thank you for writing this, long time supporter (but a troll) of your site and passing along some massive karma your way. You got this and then some and truly an inspiration.
Best wishes to you as you successfully fight this battle. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I check out your site every day and value your insights and perspectives, and those of your team. Stay strong!
Stay strong Dobber. Keep that positive outlook even if things get hard. I wish you all the best in this fight. You can beat this.
Reading that brought tears to the eyes.
Get well soon! My thoughts are with you and your family.
Best of luck with this Dobber – i watched my Brother take on a serious cancer and win so know you can as well. It’s all about keeping a positive attitude and your amazing family and friends around for support. You got this!
All the best to you Dobber, you have tons of support so stay strong!!!
Wow. Wishing you all the best. On one hand I want to say how much I respect you continuing to work on the guide during this time.. On the other I think you’re nuts! Be sure to rest as much as you can. We can wait.
Love your passion and your work. I still remember when you finally decided to do this full time, when you talk about Avery being born and look where we are now. Stay strong! We are all rooting for you. All the best Dobber.
Good luck and keep fighting
Best of luck big guy, you got this! My thoughts our with you and your family in this tough time.
This is a great time to remind you of your lifetime track record with forecasting: you’re always spot on. And right now, you just know that you’ll beat this. There’s no way this thing can better a (stubborn) fighter like you. If we had to draft a guy who come out to get things done every day in real life, you’d be a first rounder.
Take care of yourself. We’re all behind you.
I don’t think I’ve ever written a comment on a website before… This moved me to.
Your site brings happiness in the form of entertainment, and I wish I could return the happiness in the form of health for you and your family. I wish you all the best.
I can stand to happily lose my hegemony over my Fantasy Hockey league if it means you get more time with your family :).
Stay strong Dobber, your positivity is going to get you through.
I think I speak on behalf of all the users on this site when I say how grateful I am for your efforts over the years.
Thank you everyone. Some of these comments sure hit home
I’m feeling very positive – medicine has come a long way, even over just the past few years
We’re all pulling for you, Dobber! You’ve done such a great job of informing & entertaining and bringing people happiness, there are nothing but good wishes for you and your family. I would also echo your sentiment to people about getting out and donating. This is extremely important! People, face down your fear of needles or medical procedures and get out there and help someone! I am the type who gets faint at the slightest sight of blood (like when my finger gets pricked), but I am a good candidate for donating platelets. I forced myself to deal with it and have now donated platelets and red blood cells over 40 times. I would encourage everyone to see if you can do something like this, be it marrow or blood or whatever!
Best of luck Dobber! Love the fighting spirit, you got this!
We are here in your corner! Dark times come to each of us- I hope I can fight them as bravely and purposefully as you.
Get better, Dobber! I love you!
Good luck champ and keep that strong spirit !
Good luck Darryl. I hope you are able to win your battle for your families sake! Stay positive.
Good luck Darryl, thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
All the best in your fight Dobber!
Fight this like you are DAVE SCHULTZ
Go and beat this, Dobber. You have the right frame of mind, and certainly the proper motivation.
Good luck, man.
Go forward Dobber knowing that your whole community is pulling for you. I will register as a bone marrow donor. If it does not help you, maybe someone else. I challenge all of your readers to do the same – in your name…
Best of luck strong man, all the community stands beside you. 👊
Thinking of you, fight the good fight!
Wow tough news… Fight this with all you got! Everyone is behind you :)
you did me a favour as a down and out locked-out steelworker and i am forever grateful, you’re a good guy…. with your strength and positive attitude you can win this
Good luck Dobber looking forward to reading your stuff for a long time
God bless Dobber, wish you all the best in this. fantastic picture too of your family. All best the wishes. love the site fantastic work always.
God Bless you and your family! Keep pushing forward and keep the faith strong!
Darryl u r a real inspiration. Keep strong my brother. If you need any non fantasy advice to help you through this mess let me know. I deal with the natural route that’s tremendously effective. You know diet and stuff. It will help your body get through chemo too.
Love to u and yours
My Prayers are with you and your family.. God Bless.. Looking forward to your prompt return! xo
Thinking of you Dobber….You have many, many friends here rooting for you
Hey Dobber, just saw this statements after checking in on the ramblings. Fuck cancer, kick its fucking ass! Thoughts and prayers to you and your family during this time.
You make it difficult to not like you and your family. Hope it turns out good and as quickly as possible.
So sad to hear this news Dobber! May your beautiful family provide you inspiration as you fight this…I have several health issues that sometimes leave me bedridden. Finding your site (Nearly 10 years ago) has provided me with hours and hours of entertainment as well as some thing for my father to discuss and bond over. Thanks so very much. I will be forever grateful!
Just saw this; Dobber your work has always been top-notch and a good part of that is because we can feel you in the articles. Thank you for sharing and know that the community you built is behind you.
Beautiful family you have there and I know you’ve inspired many of us to see what we can do to help.
Thoughts and prayers to you and your family Dobber!
Just reading this now – all the best Darryl and family.
All the best, Dobber. I’m going to support you and the site right here, right now!
Darryl, just wanted to let you know you and you’re family are in my thoughts. My wife has beaten both Hodkins (around the time Mario had it) and breast cancer. Both have been in remission for many years. You CAN and WILL beat this. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Phil aka islefan31