April 13 2015



Thoughts on Patrick Kane, tearing up the Hamburgler myth, eating crow and more …


My 10th annual Interactive Playoff Draft List is updated as of Sunday, pick it up here for $8.99. It includes my own picks, a printable spreadsheet, injury notes, tips, etc.


Patrick Kane is supposedly going to be cleared for contact today and he will probably play in Game 1 of the playoffs. Get the word out quickly, so that he’s not a sleeper pick in your pool. You want everyone to know about him so that someone else can pick him in the first round. It’s not that he’s undeserving of such a spot. But it's the fact that I don’t really trust that he can hang in there through 20 playoff games. I’m also not all that confident in Chicago, but that’s another story. Anyway, back to Kane. This is a collarbone fracture, not a knee sprain. He’s returning four weeks early. How often does he get hammered into the boards? If it’s not fully healed, he’s toast. If I’m Chicago, I hold him out as long as I can. Wait until the other team has two wins. Maybe that doesn’t happen in the first round, in which case you bought Kane some precious time. X-rays may show that the fracture is healed, but how strong is the bone now really? Would two more weeks work wonders? I don’t like it. But that’s the latest on him, so consider yourself informed.


Chicago recalled Anti Raanta and Kyle Cumiskey for depth. Raanta’s NHL numbers are steller at 7-4-1, 0.936 and 1.89. His AHL numbers are pretty good too at 8-1-1, 0.918 and 2.38. Don’t give up on him yet, he’ll get an opportunity. Eventually. Somewhere.


The Leafs cleaned house and Ian broke the impact down yesterday here. But I’ll add some thoughts, since the Leafs are one of my two favorite teams and I also live in the Toronto area. People are concerned about Peter Horachek and rightfully so. After all, how can he possibly get another coaching job. Well, I strongly believe that MLSE will take care of him. I think he was under orders to teach a system at any cost – and to not be afraid of losing games (i.e. “tanking”). Now, any normal person would just quit. Why put what is sure to be a 15-30-5 record (or worse, as it turned out) on your resume to do a job that is preordained to fail? The answer is simple. He had assurances. Either a plum job in the player personnel department for a couple of years followed by a promised head coaching gig of the Marlies, or something along those lines. Maybe a nice monetary bonus to get him through the next year until the memory of his results fade away. But Horachek will be fine.

But if you think Mike Babcock is joining this team, you’re smoking some good dope. Why in the hell would he join this team? Granted, firing over 20 people in management and staff is a good try – if anything can get Babcock here, that would. But he’s not coming. Why would he want to coach a band of misfits to what will be at least five consecutive non-playoff finishes in a market in which the fan base will start bitching about not getting any results by 2017? Even with a full rebuild, 75% new roster and Babcock approving every hiring from top to bottom, the team is going to lose a lot over the next five years.


I don’t agree with the Ted Nolan firing, that’s for sure. This is one team actually expected to lose the most games. On paper and on the ice, clearly the worst team. And he had them competitive most games. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised he was reprimanded in January for winning too many games! Firing him makes it pretty clear that he was asked in advance if he wanted the job for one year. And he took it because no other job offers were forthcoming. But just an undeserved firing – the Sabres got exactly the season they wanted in 2014-15.


Jaromir Jagr signs a one-year extension for $3.5 million plus $1.5 in games played bonuses. Good value, and I bet he gets a similar contract next summer. I think he’ll get 45 points next year and maybe in the high 30s in 2016-17. And then in the summer of 2017 he won’t get a contract. He’s kept himself in elite shape and it’s added five years to his career. And a good $17 million.


Andrew Hammond finishes 20-1-2, 1.79 and 0.941. That’s simply unrealistic at all levels. His best numbers in his entire history, at any level, are: 27-12-1, 2.30 and 0.912 back in 2009 as a 21-year-old overager in the BCHL. And this season in the AHL he was 7-13-2, 3.51 and 0.898 for Binghamton. Not luck? Not luck? Are you kidding me? The team is playing with confidence in front of him, and yes the coaching system suits his game perfectly. So maybe that makes him an NHL goaltender. Maybe even an NHL starter, an average one. But he is not a superstar. And I’d be extremely wary about drafting him for next season. For the playoffs, sure. He’s on fire right now and a hot goalie is very real, it happens all the time.

1. penetrators – Wins a one-year membership at Office Pools for your league. PLUS wins a DobberHockey Ultimate Fantasy Pack

2. Rhynos – Wins a one-year membership at Office Pools for your league. PLUS wins a DobberHockey Ultimate Fantasy Pack

3. Slufeet – Wins a one-year membership at Office Pools for your league. PLUS wins a DobberHockey Ultimate Fantasy Pack

3. Atheris – Wins a one-year membership at Office Pools for your league. PLUS wins a DobberHockey Ultimate Fantasy Pack

5. MyGuys

6. Mr.Josh’s Maniacs

6. MarmotKing

8. Melville Millionaires

9. Aylmersfinest

10. AvsFans91

To see your results, just go here and pick the right pool in the drop menu. The four winners above, contact me at dobber(at)dobberhockey(dot)com. I’ll hook you up. The Ultimate Fantasy Packs go on sale starting May 1, and you’ll be the first four with them set up in your downloads section.


What a miserable season for goals. I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but it ‘seemed’ like the scoring got worse as the season wore on. How many teams scored just one goal on Saturday? Seven out of 30. In English Premier League soccer (‘football’), 10 out 14 teams scored one goal or less. And while watching the games is still entertaining, looking at the scoreboard is not. As a fantasy hockey owner, I hate it. I hate it because it means fewer players getting points. I hate it because it means a 10-point deficit in the league standings in the final two days is insurmountable, whereas a couple of years ago it wasn’t quite so bad. Every rule change the NHL makes to help scoring succeeds – but then the coaches and players figure it out, adapt and adjust.


Also, I have an app as you know. It’s nothing fancy (for now). Right now, it just pulls the ramblings (free) and for $4.99 it will give you the playoff draft list that I currently sell for $8.99 PLUS it gives you the preseason draft list this summer. So it’s a one-year subscription. In the future, I plan to have it give you my rankings and have that ranking in a player search function. But I admit, this app has been backburnered for the past year. You can get the app via the main menu up top – just click the Android or iPhone link, whichever is relevant.


And finally, via Mabus in the comments yesterday, time for me to eat crow. From my ramblings, August 18:

“The Forecaster did have Crosby playing 77 games and I’ll guarantee you this – if Crosby plays 77 games, he’s winning the scoring title.”

Yummy! I love me some crow! Seriously though, that guy has to be playing on a broken leg or something. When the Pens are eliminated, we’ll find out…


Don Cherry from Saturday:


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