
About Glen Hoos

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So far Glen Hoos has created 27 blog entries.

Not Just Another Pool: Creating the Ultimate Fantasy Experience

By |2015-07-24T09:13:39-04:00September 11th, 2011|The Commissioner's Office|



Ed. Note: This article marks the first instalment of The Commissioner’s Office, a new regular column on DobberHockey that will examine issues that concern fantasy league commissioners – but hopefully will be of interest to all readers. In the months ahead, we’ll be looking at league and draft formats, the plusses and minuses of counting various scoring categories, rule debates, dispute resolution, boosting GM interest and involvement, and much more. Today’s piece is reprinted from a couple years ago, but serves as a fitting kick-off.


There are hockey pools... and then there are fantasy leagues.


Not Just Another Pool: Creating the Ultimate Fantasy Experience

By |2015-07-24T10:52:21-04:00August 14th, 2009|z-Archives (other articles)|



There are hockey pools... and then there are fantasy leagues.


There are thousands of people out there who are content with joining a run-of-the-mill pool, whose self-esteem and personal happiness aren’t tied up in the performance of their team. You know the type... twenty minutes before the office draft, they can be found frantically trying to print off last year’s stats from During the draft they say things like, “I thought Marian Hossa plays for Pittsburgh,” and then they try to draft Joe Sakic, not realizing that he just retired. In other words, they don’t take their fantasy hockey all that seriously... not that there’s anything wrong with that.

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