Monthly Archives: September 2008

September 11, 2008

By |2008-09-11T08:21:26-04:00September 11th, 2008|Hockey Rambling|

 Paul Kelly, head of the NHLPA, was on the Bill Watters Show on AM640 last night (where I make an appearance every Tuesday at 5:40pm - FYI). Kelly had something to say regarding Alexander Radulov: "I have spoken to both the player and his agent and he made a decision... and now we are working [...]

Draft check list

By |2015-07-24T10:59:49-04:00September 10th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|



A good fantasy draft requires preparation, but no matter how much preparation and reading up you’ve done, you’re always at risk of getting caught up in the fast pace of the draft and forgetting key picks leaving you frustrated when their names are called out by other owners.


September 10, 2008

By |2008-09-10T08:29:48-04:00September 10th, 2008|Hockey Rambling|

 The NHL has made a formal offer to arbitrate the Radulov case with the KHL on Monday. There is talk - and this is just some radio buzz - but there is talk that Alexander Radulov is having second thoughts. He's 21, and a lot of people that age really aren't sure what they want [...]

September 09, 2008

By |2008-09-09T08:35:35-04:00September 9th, 2008|Hockey Rambling|

 Listen live to Dobber on the Bill Watters show on AM640 Toronto at 6:10pm via this link.   FYI the Don Matthews news bumped me off the 5:40pm slot on the Bill Watters show today. I will be on at 6:10pm today instead.  My articles over at The  HockeyNews resume their regular schedule this week - a [...]

The Strong Finnishers

By |2015-07-24T10:59:51-04:00September 8th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|



The development of Finland’s native goaltenders and their great success at the professional and international scene has been covered extensively over the last few seasons by many scouts and pro writers. While some attribute this recent Finnish crease dominance to the great goalie coaching systems used for many years within their national programs, others are saying that, more importantly, goalies from Finland are getting bigger and faster and adjusting their style to better suit play in North America. But the more I continue to analyze the Finnish goalies in the NHL and AHL, the more I realize there’s still something that hasn’t been uncovered about their development.


September 8, 2008

By |2008-09-08T10:13:42-04:00September 8th, 2008|Hockey Rambling|

 The Dobber Nation radio show has been a smash hit and we will be doing this twice per month. For the month of September, traffic is at its peak on DobberHockey - if you or someone you know is interested in advertising on the Dobber Nation radio show, please contact Justin at justin @thehockeyguild .com [...]

Fantasy Island

By |2008-09-07T11:28:53-04:00September 7th, 2008|Eastern Edge|



Last season, only one NHL team (Columbus) scored fewer goals than the New York Islanders. So why you ask, should you even consider selecting someone who plays in Long Island when some consider it to be a fantasy wasteland? Now I can hear some of you snickering, but there are some decent selections on the Isles if you happen to be in a deeper draft.


September 7, 2008

By |2008-09-07T11:08:25-04:00September 7th, 2008|Hockey Rambling|

 Is this the final dead hockey Sunday of 2008? Hockey drafts are starting to take place now, but the hockey news is still slow. That should pick up when training camps open. All that's out there now is gossip - hockey fans and hockey writers gossiping like a group of old ladies over tea. Schneider [...]

September 06, 2008

By |2008-09-06T10:08:39-04:00September 6th, 2008|Hockey Rambling|

 Ken Campbell reports that the KHL has withdrawn their grievance regarding Filatov, Tikhonov, F. Fedorov, Krog and Mojzis. Furthermore, they have agreed to have the Radulov dispute settled by a third party. You can read the full article HERE . This is a big turn of events and instead of the odds of Radulov returning [...]

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