
About Chris Burns

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So far Chris Burns has created 13 blog entries.

The Count from Sesame Street was onto something … it’s all about the numbers

By |2015-07-24T11:29:39-04:00February 24th, 2007|z-Archives (other articles)|

1,000,000 – The number of page hits Dobber’s site passed on Wednesday. Pretty damn impressive for a slack-jawed yokel from the suburbs of Toronto. I’m sure I speak for all of us in congratulating Dobbs on this milestone, and in thanking him for having no life so that we may finish in the upper half of our pools. Congrats buddy.

Fantasy Experts are as genuine as a three dollar bill. Trust me …. I supposedly

By |2015-07-24T11:29:46-04:00February 21st, 2007|z-Archives (other articles)|

am one....

Before I begin my weekly purging of all fantasy related neuron transmissions, I do need to address something that has been on my mind all week. On Superbowl Sunday, Winnipeg lost two of its most decorated fire-fighters in a terrible accident during a seemingly routine house fire. It is too bad that it takes incidents like this to make us all realize just how important and often under-appreciated these everyday heroes are. I for one am going to make a better effort to give these men and women a few more friendly nods, appreciative waves, and spontaneous thank-you’s. None of us know when it may be our families that they save, and the fact that they ‘run towards’ while all others ‘run away’ is pretty damn heroic in my book. Anyhow, I just want everyone who reads this to sit back and think for a moment about losing everything that matters to you, and in turn, join me in doing a little extra to show our appreciation.

The Blockbuster

By |2015-07-24T11:29:58-04:00February 12th, 2007|z-Archives (other articles)|

The Blockbuster - It can mean the difference between fantasy hero and fantasy zero ? Or can it? It has been said that no matter how hot a woman is, there is some guy out there that is sick of putting up with her crap. The same holds true for our beloved fantasy ?studs?. At some point, each and every player in your league will find his way into a trade offer, and unlike the NHL, where the odd Yzerman will spend a career with one team, in fantasy there are no storybook endings.

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