
About Ian Fergusson

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So far Ian Fergusson has created 40 blog entries.

An Expert’s Audit – July Edition

By |2015-07-24T11:00:31-04:00July 11th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|

 vincent lecavalier


Welcome once again to “An Expert’s Audit”. This audit will also be posted here as well as on my fantasy hockey blog at . During the season I also do weekly reviews of teams for people who email in to me for a look-see. These audits will continue to appear here monthly and if you’re interested in having your keeper team “worked over” then you can begin by emailing Dobber about it.


An In-Depth Keeper Hockey League

By |2015-07-24T11:03:05-04:00June 11th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|



Welcome once again to “An Expert’s Audit”. This audit will also be posted here as well as on my fantasy hockey blog at . During the season I also do weekly reviews of teams for people who email in to me for a look-see. These audits will continue to appear here monthly and if you’re interested in having your keeper team “worked over” then you can begin by emailing Dobber about it.


I’ve been emailing back and forth with Paul Miller about his hockey team for going on three seasons now. When I first looked at his league it scared the crap out of me because it seemed so convoluted when you add the salaries and the expiring contracts and stuff like that but once you get your feet wet then it all ain’t so bad. Let me encourage the rest of you to dive right into some in-depth league and have a blast with it. If you’re going into a league like this one then you should review my last two month’s submission to “An Expert’s Audit” for a few extra pointers on how to stay afloat in a salary league.


Protecting the right guys

By |2015-07-24T11:03:21-04:00May 12th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|

 Sidney Crosby


Welcome once again to “An Expert’s Audit”.  This audit will also be posted here as well as on my fantasy hockey blog at .  I also do weekly reviews of teams for people who email in to me for a look-see.  These audits will continue to appear here monthly and if you’re interested in having your keeper team “worked over” then you can begin by emailing Dobber about it.
This is part two of an article in for An Expert’s Audit.  My hope is that you can glean something beneficial out of this, particularly you folks in salary leagues.


Offseason: What to Do to Help Your Keeper League Team

By |2015-07-24T11:03:30-04:00April 14th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|

 Rostislav Olesz


Welcome once again to “An Expert’s Audit”. This audit will also be posted here as well as on my fantasy hockey blog at . These audits will continue to appear here monthly and if you’re interested in having your keeper team “worked over” then you can begin by emailing Dobber ([email protected]) about it.


An Expert’s Audit – February, 2008

By |2015-07-24T11:04:11-04:00March 12th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|

Sedin twins


Welcome once again to “An Expert’s Audit”. This audit will also be posted here as well as on my fantasy hockey blog at . I also do weekly reviews of teams for people who email in to me for a look-see. These audits will continue to appear here monthly and if you’re interested in having your keeper team “worked over” then you can begin by emailing Dobber.


Perhaps you’d prefer this article “en francais” like this . Much thanks goes to Steve Rodgers for his efforts in translation of this article. I know I couldn’t have done it. (Cliquez ici pour la version française )



Un audit d’expert

By |2015-07-24T11:04:13-04:00March 12th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|

Sedin twins


Bienvenue à nouveau à cette parution de ‘‘An Expert’s Audit/ Un audit d’expert’’. Cet audit, une démarche qui est aussi appelée une vérification paraît également sur mon blogue de pool de hockey ( J’effectue de telles démarches sur une base hebdomadaire pour ceux qui m’en formulent la demande. Pour accéder à un audit, envoyez moi un courriel afin que je jette un coup d’oeil à la composition de votre équipe de pool ‘’à vie’’, un type de pool que certains appellent aussi les keeper league. De tels audits paraissent mensuellement sur ce site. Si vous êtes intéressés à participer à une telle démarche, envoyez un courriel à Dobber et faites-en la demande.

Peut-être que vous préféreriez lire cet article ‘’in English’’ comme ceci . Merci à Stéphane Rodier pour les efforts consentis à la traduction de ce texte. Je sais que je n’aurais pu y arriver seul.


An Expert’s Audit – February, 2008

By |2015-07-24T11:04:42-04:00February 12th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|

Kristian Huselius


Welcome once again to “An Expert’s Audit”. This audit will also be posted here as well as on my fantasy hockey blog at . I also do weekly reviews of teams for people who email in to me for a look-see. These audits will continue to appear here monthly and if you’re interested in having your keeper team “worked over” then you can begin by emailing Dobber about it.


This month’s audit goes to the team of a Brit. I picked him because his team and league interested me, and I haven’t met any puckhead Brits before. I also figured I might be able to help. But do we really speak the same language?


Fix Your Fantasy Hockey Team!

By |2015-07-24T11:05:43-04:00January 10th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|

Paul Stastny


Welcome to “An Expert’s Audit”. I’ve been writing these sorts of things for several years now, previously at another website and most recently at my own Blog . I approached Dobber about doing this sort of thing and submitting it for posting and he ran with it. I’m grateful for the opportunity. My name is Ian Fergusson and I post similar types of audits on my fantasy hockey Blog, shallowfrozenwater.


When Dobber announced this upcoming feature we were flooded (literally flooded) with requests for an audit, which of course is really gratifying and I give Dobber all the credit for running such a superb hockey site that something like this can take off so easily. Anyway, I sorted through the submissions and selected one that hit close to home. I picked a Winnipeg boy. I’m a Winnipeg boy and in his request for an audit he opened with a Go Jets Go … so I was hooked...


Fix Your Fantasy Hockey Team!

By |2015-07-24T11:05:45-04:00January 10th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|

Paul Stastny


Welcome to “An Expert’s Audit”. I’ve been writing these sorts of things for several years now, previously at another website and most recently at my own Blog . I approached Dobber about doing this sort of thing and submitting it for posting and he ran with it. I’m grateful for the opportunity. My name is Ian Fergusson and I post similar types of audits on my fantasy hockey Blog, shallowfrozenwater.


When Dobber announced this upcoming feature we were flooded (literally flooded) with requests for an audit, which of course is really gratifying and I give Dobber all the credit for running such a superb hockey site that something like this can take off so easily. Anyway, I sorted through the submissions and selected one that hit close to home. I picked a Winnipeg boy. I’m a Winnipeg boy and in his request for an audit he opened with a Go Jets Go … so I was hooked...


Fix Your Fantasy Hockey Team!

By |2015-07-24T11:05:48-04:00January 10th, 2008|z-Archives (other articles)|

Paul Stastny


Welcome to “An Expert’s Audit”. I’ve been writing these sorts of things for several years now, previously at another website and most recently at my own Blog . I approached Dobber about doing this sort of thing and submitting it for posting and he ran with it. I’m grateful for the opportunity. My name is Ian Fergusson and I post similar types of audits on my fantasy hockey Blog, shallowfrozenwater.


When Dobber announced this upcoming feature we were flooded (literally flooded) with requests for an audit, which of course is really gratifying and I give Dobber all the credit for running such a superb hockey site that something like this can take off so easily. Anyway, I sorted through the submissions and selected one that hit close to home. I picked a Winnipeg boy. I’m a Winnipeg boy and in his request for an audit he opened with a Go Jets Go … so I was hooked...


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