
About Chris Burns

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So far Chris Burns has created 13 blog entries.

Burnsy: Time to cut bait on these falling stars

By |2015-07-24T10:24:28-04:00January 20th, 2011|z-Archives (other articles)|


One of the classes I remember most from college (and I don’t remember much) is Economics 101. The highlight of this course always seemed to be the section on Supply & Demand, and that folks is why I took a hiatus from DobberHockey.com in the first place. I needed to create a demand for my column … I needed to feel the love of the Dobber minions in order to satisfy my ego … and my wife stopped believing that drinking a case of beer was “part of the creative process”.


Third Degree Burns – 5th Anniversary Edition

By |2015-07-24T10:30:44-04:00November 7th, 2010|z-Archives (other articles)|

Burnsy's wife


First let me start by congratulating Dobber on five great years of providing the best Fantasy Hockey Resource available. What started as a dirty thought in Dobber’s mind has evolved into a virtual thesaurus of fantasy geek gold, and I’m proud to say that in some small way I helped contribute to the humble beginnings and also believe my departure had led to many less complaints over articles that were less than politically correct.


Week 1 Fantasy Stock Market

By |2015-07-24T10:51:08-04:00October 7th, 2009|z-Archives (other articles)|

Rich Peverley

This week I will be taking a quick look at two players on each team. The first will be a player whose value is on a sharp rise while his counterpart will be a player whose value is resembling Nortel in 2001. Bear in mind that this "value" shift is based on the first week of the season, which is a very small sample to work with. However, I believe it is never too early to start making note of possible trends, and by knowing first, you can act first.


It Takes All Types To Make A Draft

By |2015-07-24T10:51:42-04:00September 9th, 2009|z-Archives (other articles)|


this guy


This week I'm taking an in-depth look at the common characters of a Fantasy Draft. I can pretty much promise that everyone who reads this will relate to the guys in this list, however I must point out that if there is guy in this list that you don't recognize in your draft, than you are probably him. Also, I suggest you not drink hot coffee in your underwear while reading this, as it contains some of the funniest crap I have ever written. Enjoy.


Third Degree Burns

By |2015-07-24T10:53:02-04:00July 10th, 2009|z-Archives (other articles)|


First off I would like to send a shout out to all the Dobber-Maniacs out there who are still around and may remember my humble postings from the early days of DobberHockey.com.  It seems what was once just a dirty thought in Dobber's mind has developed into something very successful, despite the fact that meatheads like me are involved.  When Dobber asked me to do a guest column, my first reaction was to blow your mind with some Jedi-like insight into the upcoming season, however after putting back eight or nine Bud Light Lime on my deck, I have decided to give you some old-school rumblings ... Third Degree Burns style .... so here goes ...


Fantasy Season Prep Work …. Burnsy Style

By |2015-07-24T11:09:36-04:00September 10th, 2007|z-Archives (other articles)|



Once again we have reached that wonderful time of the year where all of our normal responsibilities take a back seat to prepping for the upcoming fantasy season. The Dobber site is in full swing with daily additions to the information conglomeration on the site, and the disappointments of last year are all but erased from our minds.


Additionally, September is the only time that we are all tied for first place in our pools, and while last year’s winners are fairly confident in their strategies, last year’s losers are revamping their approach. I considered writing an article that would add to the piles of information already on the site, but then reconsidered, and decided to write a little preseason guide that will help everyone equally, regardless of last year’s results. I now give you my own special twist on the “preseason guide”, with Burnsy’s Top 10 Preseason Tips. Enjoy.


Headline? I don’t need no freakin’ headline

By |2015-07-24T11:29:06-04:00March 20th, 2007|z-Archives (other articles)|


Again this week I find myself struggling to come up with a topic worthy of a full column. With very little left to address in regards to the regular season pools there isn’t much that hasn’t been addressed already, and without knowing the playoff teams and/or match-ups, it is almost pointless to start making projections and forecasts as to their outcomes.


This leaves me spinning my mental wheels as to what I can amaze you with this week, and the result is my first ever Top 10 list.


This week’s list is called:

Put the box scores down people … it’s time to actually watch hockey

By |2015-07-24T11:29:17-04:00March 12th, 2007|z-Archives (other articles)|

As fantasy hockey goes, we have just hit our so-called off-season. No more trades can be made, our lineups have pretty much been tweaked as much as they can, and with the exception of a few possible rookie call-ups, the waiver wire has been worked over more than a Playboy magazine in a teenager’s room. So I say we should all take a little breather, and actually sit down and watch a game or two. Perhaps we can even challenge ourselves to the extreme, and not check the box scores until all the games for that night have been completed. I know I know … it seems a little overwhelming, but it can be done people.



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